This documentary follows the 501st UK Garrison Star WarsTM costuming club around the UK as they attend a variety of fundraising events, revealing a side of costuming you've never seen before. From international film premieres to children's hospital visits, witness the impact that the UK Garrison (UKG) have on the hearts and minds of the fans they meet, changing the perception of costuming. The film reveals the wide variety of people from many walks of life who are inspired to join the UKG. For these individuals, being "Heroes of the Empire" is their true identity.
This documentary follows the 501st UK Garrison Star WarsTM costuming club around the UK as they attend a variety of fundraising events, revealing a side of costuming you've never seen before. From international film premieres to children's hospital visits, witness the impact that the UK Garrison (UKG) have on the hearts and minds of the fans they meet, changing the perception of costuming. The film reveals the wide variety of people from many walks of life who are inspired to join the UKG. For these individuals, being "Heroes of the Empire" is their true identity.
This documentary follows the 501st UK Garrison Star WarsTM costuming club around the UK as they attend a variety of fundraising events, revealing a side of costuming you've never seen before. From international film premieres to children's hospital visits, witness the impact that the UK Garrison (UKG) have on the hearts and minds of the fans they meet, changing the perception of costuming. The film reveals the wide variety of people from many walks of life who are inspired to join the UKG. For these individuals, being "Heroes of the Empire" is their true identity.